90% of families who participate in Project Blue programs say that they NOW know & trust one or more police officers.

5 Pillars
All of our programs are committed to five pillars of success:
Project Blue programs require all kids to meet a mandatory academic standard. Kids who do not meet this standard will participate in academic enrichment programming (which is also available to kids who exceed the mandatory standard).
Project Blue offers free year-round tutoring to all students who participate in Project Blue programs. Tutoring occurs primarily by zoom and is provided by certified educators.
The goal of Project Blue tutoring is to increase fundamental academic skills and we measure our progress by tracking the impact of tutoring on reading and math grade levels.
Anybody interested in Project Blue tutoring can contact our Academic Pillar Coordinator Esheonn Conner esheonnr@gmail.com
Health & Wellness
Project Blue promotes kids’ physical and mental health through education, programming, and other activities. Kids in Project Blue programs get physically healthier and develop greater resilience.
Life Skills
Project Blue kids develop constructive interpersonal skills, professional etiquette and other capabilities that help them function effectively in life. Project Blue kids acquire the skills needed to become successful future adults and productive citizens in society.
Project Blue kids take part in regular service projects within their communities in order to develop pride in their community and a sense of the importance of contributing to their community thriving.
Support & Safety
Project Blue programs will ensure that each child has a parent or guardian meaningfully involved with that child’s participation, and provide extra mentoring for those in need. One or more police officers will lead or participate in each Project Blue program. Officers involved with programs engage with kids and parents in order to foster safety, community, and trust.
Meet Kristin

Kristin MacDermott, LMFT, is an expert in resilience. She has created resilience-training programs for Navy SEALS, the LAPD, inner city children, hospitals, and universities and … Project Blue! Our after-school programs use her clinically-proven resources to facilitate ongoing conversations with kids about building self-awareness, developing self-esteem, and using obstacles to grow and thrive.