10K With a Cop
10K With a Cop empowers at-risk youth to set goals, focus on health and wellness, and forge positive relationships with local law enforcement. Through weekly training sessions, police officer-coaches embed the importance of self-discipline and overall well-being through physical activity with the ultimate goal to complete a 10K run, while building confidence and character that stays with kids both on and off the track.
- Age: Primary and secondary grades
- Where: Northern California public schools
- When: Based on school
- Start and End Date: Based on school
- Leaders: Mark Kirunchyk
- Get Involved: Email us at mkirunchyk@yahoo.com
- Website: http://10kwithacop.org/
Meet Sean
Detective Sean Dodge began his career in law enforcement with the Modesto Police Department in 1997. Since the beginning, his passion has been working with the youth in the community. Detective Dodge has been a volunteer with Big Brothers/Big Sisters, a D.A.R.E. Instructor at the elementary and junior high school level, the P.A.L. Director for the Modesto Police Department, a mentor with Discovery Challenge Academy, and, for the last ten years, a detective with the Special Victims Unit.
Detective Dodge began running in 2003 and hasn’t stopped. He has participated in several marathons throughout the county and recently combined his love for running with his passion for the youth by cofounding 10K With a Cop. He now acts as a mentor for 10K With a Cop and regularly runs with at risk youth on his days off at local elementary schools. His ultimate goal is to provide mentorship, good relationships, and a positive environment through running to all the schools within his community.